Wealthy Affiliate Review – Plan for Success

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I know you’ve probably seen hundreds of reviews of Wealthy Affiliate and there’s a good reason for that.  It is one of the most popular online platforms for learning the business of affiliate marketing. This is my complete and honest review of Wealthy Affiliate, with my goal being to show you whether or not this can be a plan for success for you. Let’s get started…

Product– WA (Wealthy Affiliate)
Owners- Kyle & Carson
Price– $0/Starter, $49/month, $495/year
Rating– 5 out of 5 stars
URL– www.wealthyaffiliate.com

What Is Wealthy Affiliate Program

My updated Wealthy Affiliate Review will show many of the aspects of the WA Program and reveal everything you need to know before making any financial commitments.  I know you want to know if Wealthy Affiliate is worth the money, as the best online marketing training site?

Let’s start with what Wealthy Affiliate is all about. It is an online money-making/marketing training platform founded in 2005 (by Kyle and Carson) for the purpose of teaching people the right way to start an online business and/or affiliate website business, using proven step by step written and/or video class tutorials.

More importantly though, the WA program WILL teach you how to make money online working with what you love or love to do. They give you a proven and time-tested, step by step guide on how to start an online business, working with whatever hobby/interest you may have.

Since you’re reading this, I know you’re looking for that one course that will teach you exactly how to make money online. I’m sure you’ve also come across hundreds of online programs and come to the conclusion that most of them are completely useless and a waste of money.  Of course I’ve been there myself and I also had skepticism about WA, but this program gives you a free 7 day, all access trial to their paid membership.

I hadn’t seen that before and decided I can’t beat free and they were saying they could show me how to make money online, no matter what my interest might be.  I decided why not take a free look because I was sure I’d be able to make a decision in 7 days and it wouldn’t cost me a dime.  They weren’t even going to ask for a credit card, so I wouldn’t be tracked if I didn’t like it. No other program, that I saw, offered that.

Don’t believe me?

That’s OK, I was skeptical as well, but if you click on my super affiliate boy above, he’ll take you on a ride to WealthyAffiliate.com to prove it for me.

You can thank me later!

By the way, if you have any questions or comments  please leave them below or just sign up For Free and message me inside the Members Area.


If you come and take a look, through the free trial, you will immediately see that WA has a unique and proven way of doing things. They have live weekly training sessions, live chat and support, recorded training, and probably the most helpful community of successful affiliate marketers willing to assist you.

The training is easy to follow, with a comment area to ask any questions. Your questions will be answered by the successful members or directly from one of the founders. If you decide to join or just take a look, with my link below, I will also be there to help as your personal guide.

The weekly live trainings are up to date and appropriately informative. They are different every week, as well as relevant, often providing step-by-step instructions when necessary. Fortunately, the live trainings are also recorded and usually up for viewing within 24 hours of the live broadcast.

Wealthy Affiliate Pros & Cons

With all the internet marketing training programs popping up online it can be tough to tell which are scams and which offer the best online marketing training.

With that said, here are some of the pros and cons that have helped WA get voted as the best online money making training program.


  1. 30 day money back guarantee
  2. Free starter membership
  3. 2 free websites
  4. Over 1,000 training lessons
  5. 100’s of step by step video training tutorials
  6. 24/7 Around the clock support
  7. Continuously updated training
  8. 1-on-1 coaching
  9. 50% affiliate commissions
  10. Free hosting for up to 25 websites (Premium Only)
  11. 59% discount to new members($19 for first month)
  12. Live Weekly Classes
  13. Free Keyword Tool
  14. 7 day grace period on Premium Membership payment
  15. Newly Added- Free Upgraded Jaaxy Account (Premium Members Only)


  1. Some of the video training and textual training is just for the premium members
  2. Free training portion is limited to the basics of getting started
  3. 30 days after canceling membership your domains are deleted
  4. Some of the training is outdated at this point

Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It

Well, it wasn’t a difficult decision for me.  It has been totally worth it. I have learned so much in so little time that I wish I had found this years ago.  After only 3 days into my “free trial” I upgraded to premium because I realized there was so much information provided by this program that I couldn’t go wrong. My only regret is that I don’t have the time to work it as regularly as I would like, because my main business has gotten busier.  Success breeds success I guess you can say. I’m working it only on a part-time basis and I already have a website recognized on Google.  All you have to do is work their step by step guide, at whatever pace you like, and you’ll see yourself having success.

This program is so much more than an online marketing/money-making training program because of all the training they provide.  You will have access to unparalleled training like:

  1. Content creation
  2. Niche development
  3. SEO Keyword training
  4. Website building

That is a short list of the mountain of information you’ll have at your disposal, because they’ll give you access to everything needed to build your own website or online business.

The websites that you are able to create are very professional looking as well because they integrate WordPress, which is so simple to understand and use.  Even if  you consider yourself a newbie, with no business or internet knowledge, you will amaze yourself at how good your website looks.

So, by joining, you’ll become a member of an online marketing community that will teach you all the ins and outs of online marketing and monetized website building.  They WILL show you how to develop an honest, online stream of income at whatever you like.  It’s not a get-rich quick program, but a program that will show you how to make a lifetime stream of money online.

They’ve been responsible for educating hundreds of thousands of people, all over the world, on how to become a successful marketer. You’ll even find people in the community that already had success with online marketing and businesses, yet admit that they learned new and positive things through WA that added to their success.

Remember, it’s also free to sign up, so you’re at NO RISK of losing money.  It can’t hurt to look, at worst you waste a little time, at best, you’re on your way to life changing success!  If you don’t think I’ve given you enough detail, go here for more answers and see the beauty of the program.  It doesn’t cost a penny to take a look!

Does WA Still Work Now

As I said earlier, I wish I had found this years earlier, but whether you’ve been an internet marketer for awhile or you’re looking to start today, you can sign up and start your training lessons for free.

No credit card needed!

It’ll show you how to start an online business no matter what level you may be starting at.

Working at whatever pace is good for you, if you can follow directions, you have what it takes to be successful at making money online as an affiliate or internet marketer, with Wealthy Affiliate.

WA is a place for people who truly have a passion for learning how to earn money online and are willing to invest the time and hard work it takes to allow this life altering decision to happen.

WealthyAffiliate.com Support

Yes, they have one of the best tech support and customer service teams online!

They also have a live chat feature that is awesome if you’d like quick answers to any questions. Within minutes, you can  get a question answered by one of many experienced marketing experts that can be found here!  No matter what time of day or night it may be. Half the time it’s the owners themselves answering the questions!

As a free member you will also receive 2 websites, at no additional charge, and instructional training on how to set them up so they’ll be successful in search engines.

Wealthy Affiliate Membership Cost

As stated earlier, it is absolutely free to join and take a look for 7 days.

You can be a free member for life with absolutely no need for a credit card, ever! I also mentioned how I upgraded to a premium membership rather quickly.

After all, I don’t know anybody that doesn’t like free.  This of course gives the beginner marketer the ideal chance to get some training and knowledge without spending a cent.  As well as giving everyone the opportunity to see if it’s right for them or not.

Following are the two options other than the free starter membership:

Premium Monthly Membership– This membership option will give you unlimited access to the entire site and all of the training and perks that come with it.

If you choose to be a Premium Monthly Member it’ll cost you $49 a month but there is a discount for a new members first month. More on this below.

WA Premium Yearly- This has all the same perks and unlimited access that monthly does and will run you $495 a year. Paying for the whole year upfront will save you 15% and that could go a long way in helping your business take off.

If you decide you want the monthly premium membership within 7 days of joining the starter membership, I’ll give you the New WA Member Discount .

This bonus offer is a one time 59% discount on the premium monthly membership and brings the price for your first month down to $19.

Click the following link for a membership option chart:


All you’ve got to do is click the button at the bottom of this page, sign up for free, and your 7 day premium trial begins.

When your 7 days is up you’ll still be a free member with access to all 10 of the lessons in course 1.

I will also be notified upon your arrival if you decide to sign up and will be there to help you at anytime you need it.

Although I am promoting WealthyAffiliate.com, with this review, it really does sell itself and has been for years now. I just want to make you aware of this online opportunity so you can get a head start on securing your financial future.  If you’re looking to earn a few extra bucks a month or you’re looking to quit your day job and make a full-time income from home, this marketing training program should be the route for you. It is well worth your time and money.

I look forward to seeing you here!

Now all that’s left for you to do is sign up for free to see for yourself if Wealthy Affiliate is worth it and what Wealthy Affiliate is all about.

Thanks For Reading!

Yvette Jones


Join with the starter program…it’s FREE. Once you join, I will make sure to get in touch with you, within 24 hours. Promise me this, that if you do join, truly take the time to set up your account.

As you review your free account, make the decision to become a Premium member within 7 days and you’ll get a 59% discount. Additional awesome bonuses will become available as a premium member

10 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Review – Plan for Success”

  1. Hello. I see that Wealthy Affiliate is a very popular training platform that offers a lot. However, I’m just wondering whether or not you can contact the owners since at the end of the day, if the owners can’t respond to their members, how you can trust them to host your online business for you? Anyway, just a question I was wondering before diving in and giving it a go. Cheers for the help.

    • Hi Brandon, Yes, you can absolutely contact the owners at any time. I’ve found that they do respond rather quickly considering the number of members. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you take a look at this. Good luck with whatever you do!

  2. Hi!

    Great review that you got here!

    As a Wealthy Affiliate member, I confirm that it is the best affiliate marketing platform in the online world that you’ll ever find!

    Explore the free version, and switch to Premium, if it is right for you. You won’t regret it 🙂

    By the way, how did you end up joining Wealthy Affiliate?

    • Thanks for your comment. I joined after reading a review. I’m certainly glad I did because I’ve learned so much in just a short time aboard.

  3. I’ve been a WA member for a while now and I’m a huge fan. Even so, I always recommend one interested in joining the platform start off as a Starter (free) member.

    After testing the features and the active community, the person will be able to make a well-thought decision.

    This free testing opportunity is very rare in the online world. In my opinion, it only shows how honest the platform is.

  4. I love the Wealthy Affiliate community. So much knowledge and information and everyone there is so helpful. I’m also trying to manage my time so I can work more on it. The 9 to 5 can really make things difficult, but I won’t let that stop me. Great review by the way

    • Thank you. That’s also what I like about WA, the huge amount of available information and training. You’ve got the right attitude about not stopping! Good luck!


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