Write A Blog For Money

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As an affiliate marketer, your ultimate goal is to have your site visitors purchase products or services you have subtly highlighted on your site, with banners, text links, videos, etc.

When you are an affiliate for a product or service, you agree to promote the product or service to drive more customers to that online merchant.  For your efforts in doing so, the online merchant is willing to pay you a percentage of the sale they received from that customer, who found the online merchant through an affiliation with you. 

With a website, you want to have as many affiliate banners, text links, videos, etc. as you can.  However you don’t want it looking like one big advertising billboard. That is why a blog is a great website to start for affiliate marketing because you should be able to consistently add pages/posts, so it’s not just one or two stagnant pages with lots of advertising.  Each new page or post that you add, can have it’s own separate series of affiliate banners. That’s simple enough right?

Blog Niche

As you’ve probably done all kinds of research, I’m sure you’re familiar with the term niche.  All affiliate marketing training tells you the first step is to decide on a niche you want to work with.  Deciding on the niche is absolutely important because it is what will keep you interested in the business, so you can make money.

Pick a niche that you are interested in already, or something you want to learn more about.  The idea is that you will be willing to continually share what you already know, or share what you are learning about the niche.  A blog is the way to do this and the more content you share, the easier it will be to monetize your blog.

Website Traffic

If you can post something everyday, you will create a great following or traffic to your site.  Your followers will want to know your thoughts about your niche.  You may get followers because they agree with you, or you may have followers who don’t agree and just want to challenge all your views.  Either follower should be welcome in your eyes, because it means more traffic and that’s always good for an affiliate marketer.

If you are writing (blogging) about something you have a passion for, it makes it easier to do, because you’ll enjoy it.   Remember the old saying, “if  you do what you love, you never work a day in your life.” 

Using Website Traffic

You create traffic to your site by sharing more and more information with your followers.  More traffic, means more money to be made.   

What do you do with the website traffic?

That’s how you monetize your blog.  As you bring these visitors to your site, you entice them with peripheral information you’re showing with the affiliate banners, the text links, etc.  Though they are there to read what you’re sharing about your niche, you have these additional banners or links they can click on for additional products or services related to the niche.  Now, of course, every link doesn’t have to relate to the website niche, but similar product links work best.

Make It Happen

It is absolutely possible to make good money with blogging.  In theory, it is very simple.  In reality, a blog is about developing a relationship with your followers.  As you keep these followers coming back, you turn those return visits into money for you with affiliate links.  Blogging is easy because you’re writing about something you love and should love to share.

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