4 Top Landing Page Builders

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What is a Landing Page

A landing page is the webpage that subjects the site visitor to some sort of Call to Action.  To clarify, the Call to Action can be a sign-up form, a contest entry or an offer for something. It is where the visitor ends up once they have clicked an ad from your marketing campaign.

In theory, any website page can be a landing page, but a good landing page is designed to have the single focus of whatever the specific call to action may be.  Therefore, you want your landing page to be the best choice for converting traffic from a specific marketing campaign, which in turn, will lower the costs of obtaining a lead or sale.  Subsequently, a landing page is necessary for quick conversions.

Types of Landing Pages

  1. Lead Generation – This type is designed to gather leads via a data capture form, like a signup form.  In other words, they are good if you’re looking to give your customer the chance to think about your offer.  Moreover, it keeps them on the fence between either conversion or walking away.  In theory, a lead generation page will present a request and a reward at the same time. With that in mind, the request is the information you ask for in the form, and the reward is the specific offer.  Whatever the offer is, it should be worth the customer’s time to fill out your form and be added to your mailing list, after all is said and done.
  2. Click Through – As implied, it does not need any type of form.  A click through page basically acts as a middleman between the ad and the page to which the customer is directed. One instance, is the idea of linking an ad to a shopping cart.  For clarity, it should give a brief description or explanation of what the visitor has come to after clicking through, plus an absolute call to action.    

Why Use a Landing Page Builder

First, a landing page builder will help you design a customized, targeted landing page that will push a visitor into becoming a lead or sale. 

Second, because a good landing page should be a vital part of your online business, using a landing page builder will make that essential element of your business a simple process.

In short, the benefits of using a landing page builder include the following:

  1. Ease of Use – Allows you to create a landing page even if you don’t have technical knowledge.  All you have to do is follow the instructions. Basically, it will let you quickly develop a goal-oriented landing page, with the use of pre-designed templates, customizable to your own business needs.
  2. Enticing Templates – Because a landing page builder, with their pre-designed templates, can easily give you that visually attractive, creative and alluring template to pull in your target audience.
  3. Flexible Publishing Options – Lets you easily control how many subdomains will run campaigns, without needing any IT teams.  A subdomain gives you an extra opportunity to show more context on a page with content in the URL.  In other words, you can educate your leads before they become aware of the content on your landing page.
  4. A/B Testing – Most landing page builders come with a built-in A/B testing tool. A/B testing is a process of showing two variants of the same web page to different segments of website visitors at the same time and comparing which variant produces more conversions. With that in mind, A/B testing should be a critical part of having a landing page and subsequently should be part of a landing page builder.  That is to say, the ability to test component effectiveness is essential.  Certainly without a landing page builder, you would need to buy an extra special tool kit to monitor your landing page.
  5. Third-Party Software Tool Integration – In order for a landing page to be truly useful and beneficial, it should be able to integrate with other email marketing tools, webinar platforms, opt-in form builders, SEO tools and other marketing software tools.  As a result, a landing page builder will definitely provide you with the ability to easily maximum integration with any other necessary marketing tools.

What Should a Good Landing Page Builder Offer

When trying to choose a landing page builder, keep in mind the items mentioned above, in addition to the more specific items I’ve listed below

  • Template Designs – Choices that are designed for maximum conversions with exact calls to action, as well as video & mobile-friend options
  • Number of landing pages –Be sure it offers an unlimited number of pages you can build
  • Email Marketing Integrations – Ability to sync with your email provider
  • Reporting & analytics – Ability to track visits, conversions, A/B testing results and more
  • Brand feature – Ability to customize any part of the page with logos, SEO tags, etc.
  • Integrated A/B testing – Allows testing and optimization of your page
  • Multiple user accounts – Permits several users, so all team members can work together
  • Personalization – Ability to send specific offers to specific audiences
  • Custom Code – Ability to add custom tracking codes like Google Analytics
  • Free Trial – Free period of time to try it out, including a money-back guarantee
  • Bonus features – Basically any other additional services that might be included, like, page previews, pop-up tools, live chat, etc.


  • Unlimited templates
  • Drag & drop builder
  • Pre-stocked image library
  • Google Analytic & Facebook Pixel-ready
  • Easy branding with your domain
  • Video Support
  • Pricing: Starts at $16.15/month, after free trial period


  • Mobile-responsive templates
  • Unlimited pages
  • Built-in image editor
  • Drag & drop editor
  • A/B testing
  • Popups, webinars, Facebook ads and more
  • eCommerce abilities
  • Tracking with Facebook Pixel and Google Tag Manager
  • Pricing: $15/month, after free trial period


  • All-in-one marketing solution
  • Highly reputable
  • Drag & drop builder
  • Create websites and landing pages
  • Integrations
  • Responsive design
  • Plenty of software tools
  • Better for larger businesses due to expense
  • Pricing: Starts at $50/month, after free trial period


Keap Small Business CRM
  • All-in-One marketing solution
  • Easy to use
  • Unlimited emails
  • Automating follow-up
  • Advanced campaign builder
  • Simple templates
  • Integrations
  • Reporting and insights
  • Better for larger businesses due to expense
  • Pricing: Starts at $56/month, after free trial period

Final Thoughts

To sum up, you can’t afford to create poor-looking landing pages that don’t convert. That’s why you want to get a landing page builder, so it will be very easy to create that perfect landing page that will generate leads and sales, to enhance your ROI.

Since most will give you a free trial period, you can test a couple different ones to see which would work best with your business.


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30 thoughts on “4 Top Landing Page Builders”

  1. Hi Yvette,

    A great article on landing pages. I’m a digital marketer myself and I do agree with the importance of a good landing page. Also, I think they are good for sharing and SEO purposes too.

    I’ve used Aweber for a client before, and it’s good enough for simple marketing campaigns and especially for small businesses that runs on mainly Facebook page. Not sure about the rest! Will definitely check them out. Bookmarking this page.

    Thanks for sharing this!


    • Thank you. I think landing pages are vital for SEO purposes. AWeber is definitely my recommendation for beginner bloggers and small businesses because of their easy interface with social media.

  2. Thanks for sharing your top recommended landing page builders. These are all well known and trusted companies. I personally have access to GetResponse. However, I totally forgot to check out their landing page builder feature. Thanks again for sharing this post. I’ve learned a lot from you and will check out GetResponse immediately.

    • Having a landing page is so important and being able to have it done easily with the use of a landing page builder, should not be overlooked. I’m glad I provided helpful information for you.

  3. I am using GetResponse and I think they have A and B testing available. I have not used A and B testing yet, but now that I know more about it, I will definitely put this to good use. Email marketing is still in a try out phase for me, but I am learning 🙂 and this article was very useful for me. Although there were some things I was aware of, I learned some valuable new info today!

    • A/B testing helps you determine the effectiveness of your campaign, so it worthwhile using it. Building a strong email list will have a strong positive effect on your affiliate marketing efforts.

  4. Thank you so much for this highly informative article, Yvette! I have had my website since April, and I will be the first to admit that I do not have a landing page on my site (though I do have a call to action button on my main screen (subscribe button, my online shop, etc.)). I now agree that I should have an actual landing page on my site to gain leads and procure sales-where have I been? Haha. I’ve heard good things about AWeber, and I will definitely give it a try! Great read! God bless you!

    • I’m glad I could give you some helpful information. I certainly wish you much success with your new website. Having a call to action button is on the right track because you want your visitors to engage with your information. I use Aweber and like it for it’s ease of use. I wish you much success!

  5. Great article that I am happy I have found. I have focused on writing quality content on my website and done little in regards to marketing and promoting my website. I will definitely have a look at the landing pages builders you have described and see which one is the best for me.

    • I know how that is. I focused on quality content for a long period of time, before realizing that more was needed. I’m glad I was able to get you thinking about what more you can do. Wishing you success!

  6. I found the pointers on what to look for in Landing page offer quite useful as I have been looking for one for quite a while now. As you said it is very important element of our website as it helps to channelize our website visitors. The pricing for Aweber & Get Response is almost the same but I see that Get Response is providing A/B testing as a part of their free trail. Thanks for this info and comparison, it helps me make a decision.

    • I can’t overstate the importance of a good landing page when you’re dealing with online marketing. I’m glad I’ve helped you make a decision that will work for you, any one is a good choice. Keep pushing forward!

  7. These are all well known and trusted companies. I personally have access to Aweber. Thanks for sharing your top recommended landing page builders. I need to do one for my campaign on bing and I’m not sure which to take but with this article, I’m going to stick with Aweber. Thank’s

  8. Hi Yvette,

    Admittedly, for lead generation I’m not currently using a landing page.

    However, my focus in the coming months will be to use paid social media ads for lead generation.

    I think this would work much better with a landing page, as opposed to a simple pop-up on my site.

    I actually use Aweber at the moment for my autoresponder, and I’ve seen the option to build landing pages.

    So, for me this would be my first port of call.

    However, it’s interesting to see the other options that are open to me.

    Out of the 4 top landing page builders you’ve mentioned do you have a specific recommendation?

    I’d love to hear your thoughts and whether you think I’ll be okay if I stick with Aweber.


    • I use AWeber, so I do think you’ll be okay with it. My focus is on free, organic traffic generation. I don’t like to pay for advertising, not that there’s anything wrong with that. Sure, paid ads will get you faster results, but for beginners on a budget, learning how to generate free traffic is more helpful. Thanks for the input and I wish you success!

  9. Hi Yvette,

    Great post on landing page builders! Landing pages are critical for the success of many types of marketing campaigns. I use Aweber for my email service but have not used their landing page tools yet. Have you ever heard of Thrive Theme Builder? They make building landing pages absolutely brainless. Highly recommend checking them out if you haven’t already! Im not affiliated with them in any way, I just came across their product when I was researching your very topic here. Thanks for the great post!

  10. Some nice tips Yvette, thanks for sharing. I’ve only had my site up and running for a little under a year now and whilst I am yet to use a lead generation tool, I appreciate that it is an important step. AWeber seems like a good starter option but my challenge is justifying the spend given that I am still only getting limited site traffic at the. If you have any tips on building out site activity then I’m all ears?!

    Thanks and all the best – Jason.

    • Congrats on getting a site started. Remember, they each have free version that you can try. Just make sure you try the free version at a time when you can fully engage and test the effectiveness. Check out my next post to help you determine what type of posts will build site traffic. Wishing you much success!

  11. Yvette,

    I’m in the same boat as many of your other responders. I have a landing page, but there’s no call to action button, say, “Subscribe to my blog.” I know in order to get subscribers, I need to be able to give something away for free. That’s the thing; I write about pets. So giving away something for free isn’t really in my hands yet. I’ve been thinking of making a small book on training puppies and giving that out for free.
    I tried aweber as well, but for some reason it was so confusing to me, creating pages, buttons and linking it with my email. That was the hard part. Linking it.
    I suppose I’ll need to watch videos on how to do this more so that I can build a solid email list….
    Thanks for the information!

    • Katrina, I can understand where you’re coming from. While I use AWeber, perhaps you could also look into GetResponse, as one that may be slightly easier to navigate. Also, giving a way something free CAN be as simple as creating your own “how to” list (it doesn’t have to be a book) on puppy training. You can google anything related and put the information together in your form and give that away! Good Luck!

  12. I’ve been using Get Response for years now, and all I have to say is that the product is entirely worth the price, and the fact that the software has been recently updated and that more templates have been added makes it even better!

    I made my first dollar online with the help of GetResponse, so you might say that I have a special relationship with it.

    I highly recommend it to everyone serious about making money online. It has helped me quite a lot, and I’m sure it will do the same for you too!

  13. Hi Yvette,
    Landing pages are a great assest if they are done correctly.

    Thanks for providing the the qualities to look for in a good landing page builder. I wish I had known this earlier as it might have guided my selection of an autoresponder. I’ve heard good things about both Aweber and MailChimp.

    What is the maximum number of visitors allowable on the free version of all 4 listed autoresponders?


    • You’re welcome and thanks. I like and use Aweber. As for the maximum number of visitors (I presume you mean subscribers) allowed in the free versions: 500 for AWeber, 250 for GetResponse, 1000 for Hubspot and I couldn’t determine the number for KEAP. Hope this helps!

  14. I Enjoyed your post. I have just started using the landing page builder with aweber. So far so good. I do wish they had more templates, or perhaps I just need to get better at editing and modifying them. But they seem to be converting well so maybe I should just leave them alone.

  15. Hi,

    This is a great post for anyone who is thinking of purchasing landing page software.
    This is something I need to look into for this year, as at the moment I don’t have a landing page, but feel like I’m going to need one moving forward, especially with some of the points you mentioned regarding converting potential customers etc.

    I’m going to be looking over this post again in the future as a reference for when I get on board myself.

    Thank you!

    • LJ,
      Thanks for reviewing. Having a landing page will help you immensely in converting visits to sales. If you use landing page builder software, it makes it so very simple, so you should look into one, it’s well worth the investment. Wishing you much success!


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