OKINAWA Flat Belly Tonic-My Truth Review

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Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is a new tonic supplement for weight loss that is getting a lot of buzz currently.  I’m sure you want to know the facts about this tonic and if it will really give you a flat belly.  Stay with me here and I’ll give you all the details you need to know.

What is Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic

This tonic is an antioxidant-rich drink that targets enhanced digestion, increased metabolism, and vitality, without any negative side effects.

It comes in powder form that you mix with water and drink every morning before 10am.  The timing is critical to ensure enough time for the ingredients to work effectively throughout the day.

Just have a quick cup before 10am to dissolve 3 pounds

That fact that it is ultimately a liquid supplement, helps the digestive system handle it better, thereby increasing its effectiveness.

Okinawa Flat Belly tonic is made from secret Japanese ingredients that target the root cause of deep belly fat, the CRP-C reactive protein.  It activates a fat-burning hormone that will assist in melting your stubborn body fat.

The tonic is also designed to detoxify your body and improve your overall immune system.

What is in Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic

The main ingredients are:

  • EGCG – A plant compound that aids in bringing your metabolism to an ideal rate of effectiveness.
  • Piperine – This reinforces the body’s ability to burn fat and manage the storage of excess fat.
  • Inulin – A building block of the digestive process, along with being a metabolism booster.
  • Hibiscus Sabdariffa – A super plant that helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels, proper liver enzymes and proper weight management.
  • Aronia Berry – A super source of antioxidants to aid the body in storing important nutrients, including good dietary fiber.

What will it do for you

The creator of the tonic, Mike Benner, while in Okinawa, discovered this drink that could eliminate excess fat and deliver remarkable nutrients for the overall enhancement of health.  By calling it the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic, he looked to recognize and honor the Japanese customs of Okinawa.

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is designed to assist with weight loss without requiring any type of additional diet or exercise.  The creators insist that you only have to drink the tonic by 10a.m. every day and your stubborn fat will melt away.

The tonic has four different proprietary blends that each work differently to help your body.  There are vitamins and minerals working together with antioxidants, in order to enhance the digestive process and trigger added weight loss.

Their theory behind the formula is to balance the C-reactive protein in the body, which works to regulate proper hormones for effective metabolic activity.  If the C-reactive protein is at a high level, it can negatively affect the metabolic processes of fat burning.  Without metabolic fat-burning, the body accumulates more fat, leading to many weight problems.

There are additional benefits of the tonic:

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Encourages a better and repairing deep sleep
  • Aids in reducing bad cholesterol levels
  • Works to detoxify the body of toxins

Those that have used it are seeing amazing weight loss without added exercise or restrictive dieting.

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What does it cost

First thing to understand when purchasing the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic, you are getting a complete weight loss program. Yes, you’re supposed to be able to lose weight by just drinking the tonic daily, however, they also include beneficial digital content.

The additional digital content includes:

  • 21-day Flat Belly Manual – a 47-page book that details the correct diet a user should follow for weight loss
  • Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Drink – a recipe of smoothies that act as helpful tonics
  • Quick Start Nutrition Plan Guide – a small guide on the best food consumption each week
  • 100 Flat Belly Recipes for Burning Fat – a book of recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, including snacks and dessert
  • Energy Boosting Smoothies – a recipe book of smoothies with different fruits, veggies and other nutrients that are vital to the body

The price starts at $69 for one bottle, plus $9.95 shipping. However, you can get 3 bottles for $177 and free shipping, or 6 bottles for $294 and free shipping.

One bottle is said to be a 30-day supply.

The product can only be purchased through the official website here.

Fortunately, there is a 90-day refund policy, allowing for a full refund with the return of any unused portion.

What are the Pros and Cons


  • Contains 100% natural ingredients for safe consumption
  • Developed at an FDA-approved facility to ensure quality
  • Ease of use, drink once in the morning
  • Gets metabolism to the optimal level
  • 90-day refund policy


  • Purchase can only be done on official website
  • Testimonials show weight loss is not always immediate, but after a couple of weeks
  • Not designed for everyone

User Testimonials

“A close neighbor and friend kept telling me about Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic as the cause of her noticeable loss of weight. I was really doubtful about it, but she gave me three bottles as part of my birthday gift, so I gave it a shot. Long story short, after some initial disappointment, on week four when I noticed a drop of 8 lbs. because I’d stopped checking on my weight for a couple of weeks. By the end of the third bottle I’d lost 22 lbs! I ended up running to my neighbor for an additional bottle while I waited for my order of 18 bottles to arrive. 100% recommended!”

Kathryn Pjinash

68 years old

I found out about Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic from an ad somewhere (can’t remember where) and decided to try it. I didn’t notice any difference until after the second or third week when I saw a drop of 9 lbs, and then about 1 lb every other day. Fortunately, I’d bought the 6 bottles option so I had enough to keep going. I actually ordered 12 more bottles for myself and my partner, who wanted it after seeing the change in me.

Bruce Sinclair

49 years old

“I’ve had all sorts of health problems due to my weight and, as a single mother, I wanted to do everything in my power to stay well for my daughter. I tried all kinds of diets, but none worked to my expectations. I heard about Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic on social media and, with reluctant high hopes, I went all in. I bought the 6 bottle + 12 bottles bundle because I knew I could get a refund if it didn’t work within 90 days. I started losing weight since about the first week. By week four I’d lost 26 lbs! My high blood pressure has improved, my cholesterol levels have diminished and I feel more confident that I’ll be around to take care of my daughter for much longer.”

Lindsay Paz

43 years old

For the most part, the thousands that have purchased Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic are pleased with the results obtained.

Final Thoughts

After visiting the official Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic website and reading user testimonials, I can affirm the authenticity of the product.  They have thousands of satisfied customers.

As the creators say, it’s not just a weight loss tonic, but an all-natural supplement to improve and enhance your overall health and well-being.

It is fair to be skeptical about them saying you’ll lose lots of weight without any exercise or restrictive diet.  However, keep in mind they also include additional digital content that suggests a lifestyle change to affect weight management. 

I am comfortable in recommending trying the product, especially because they give you 90 days to determine if it is working for you.  It’s ingredients are all-natural, so there should be no worry of negative side effects.  The product will help you lose weight.  If you don’t like what it’s doing for you, return the unused portion and receive a full refund. Thousands of people have had a lot of success with the tonic.

The only warning that should be heeded is, be sure to buy from the official website here, as apparently there are fake dealers advertising on Amazon.  If you find it on Amazon, I am giving you fair warning that it is not the legitimate Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic.

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