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Does the pandemic have you worried? That is totally understandable because we are in a position we’ve never been in before. Your best weapon will be knowledge. The information inside Pandemic Protocol will ease your fears and anxiety about the coronavirus.

What is the Pandemic Protocol

This is a manual on how to fight the virus and keep it out your house, in order to keep your family safe.  With the virus continuing to spread, you want to know you and your family won’t be infected.

You hear from the experts that for every confirmed case of infection, there’s probably 10 others we don’t know about.

Remember in the beginning the World Health Organization (WHO) and the media said it was just a different flu strain, and will be contained.

The author, Stewart Adams, warns how that lie cost hundreds of people their lives.  He worked as an investigative journalist for 23 years, and much of his research was on major disease outbreaks throughout the world.

As he watched the reports coming out of Wuhan China, he knew he had to due something to warn Americans.

He warns of 5 lies that were told in the beginning:

  • The virus will go away by summer
  • Only the elderly are at serious risk
  • If you are healthy, you have nothing to worry about
  • You can be fully healed from Corona virus
  • Our medical system is prepared to handle this virus

He felt these lies were making people unafraid of the disease, when they actually should be afraid. He wanted to make sure people prepare themselves for what is sure to come.

With help from a medical contractor, experienced in preventing the spread of contagious disease, they developed this course to help people prepare for the corona virus.

The course will answer the following questions for you:

  • What should I be doing to prepare for the outbreak
  • What should I do if supplies are already out of stock
  • What should I do if the virus is detected in my neighborhood
  • What is the distance I should keep from strangers
  • What should I do if I suspect I have the virus
  • How should I deal with door handles and food preparation

Without answers to the above questions, you will put you and your family in serious danger.

In addition, you’re taught the following for preparedness:

  • How you can make a $200 food supply, last for a year
  • How to live well when society if collapsing around you
  • What 16 hygiene items you should stock
  • Step by step instructions on how to lockdown your home
  • How to survive the #1 threat during a pandemic

As we all face a new way of life, this manual will teach you how to be prepared and continue to live the life you want. 

What is the Cost

The price is $37, and there are bonuses included.

The bonus guides:

  • Secrets to Sanitation After SHTF
  • Survival Mindset: Keeping Calm and Assertive After SHTF

Two essential guides that perfectly compliment Pandemic Protocol

Pros and Cons


  • Gain peace of mind about how to stay safe
  • Easy to read
  • Proven preparedness information
  • Affordable
  • Relevant bonus guides
  • Money back guarantee


  • Not available in stores
  • Digital format only


With the thousands of people that have lost their lives due to this pandemic, having access to information that could save my life seems valuable.  In my eyes, it would be good to have the knowledge that would reduce my risk of catching the virus. If one piece of advice from the manual would save a family member, it would be worth the price. If it’s already stuff you know, there is a money back guarantee.

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