SURVIVAL M.D. – Best New Review

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Should we be concerned with the end of healthcare?  Many people say yes and with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, their thinking may not be too far off.  You hear talk in the news about not enough doctors, nurses, hospital beds, ventilators, etc. and how Americans are in dire positions.  How can you prepare yourself?

What is Survival M.D.

It is the most practical, clearly written, plan for medical preparedness available at this time. There is not a lot of difficult medical jargon to decipher, but, in simple language, what to do when there isn’t a doctor around.

It is a medical survival book like no other.  It will teach you how to handle a medical emergency if there is no doctor around.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a pandemic, like we’re in now or a shut-down from a hurricane.

It is about creating life-saving skills so you are prepared in case of a crisis.  The idea is to know what to do until a qualified specialist is able to come and assist you with whatever the crisis may be.

Who is the author

Dr. Radu Scurtu, a doctor who fought crisis everyday in the terrible Romanian health-care system in the early 2000’s. He was assisted by a “prepared patriot” named George.

After many hours of interviewing about how to be your own doctor in a crisis, George and Dr. Scurtu were able to put together the most practical, easy to read and understand, guide on medical preparedness available.

What’s inside

  • Relief for Asthma or COPD – what people with respiratory issues should have on hand
  • Planning for long term medical survival
  • 4 items to stockpile, not medicine,  if you’re in a wheelchair or have  heightened MS issues
  • What to do if you have cardiovascular disease or peripheral vascular disease
  • For people with kidney disease, what two fruits to avoid
  • 7 things to do to prevent dental problems
  • What are the best antibiotics to stockpile for good health
  • How to make your own toilet paper
  • How to make your own hand sanitizer
  • And much more

Remember, it’s a guide for how to survive when there’s not a doctor.  It is not meant to replace true medical attention if that is required, but instructions on how to prevent the need of a doctor in the first place, or until a doctor can reach you.

Overnight Millionaire

Pros and Cons


  • Excellent information for disaster preparedness
  • Clearly written explanations
  • Lots of remedies for medical crisis situations
  • Gain control over your health and your life
  • Digital format available
  • Affordable
  • Money back guarantee


  • Not available in stores
  • Must pay for shipping physical copy

What is the price

The price is $39 for the digital format and the physical product can be added for an additional $8.99 shipping fee. There are bonus reports also included. 

The bonus reports are:

  • The doctor’s best practices for preventing a coronavirus infection
  • How to survive isolation and quarantine


“Survival M.D., is GREAT. 5 Stars all the way. Thank you so much. It is organized so that the average JOE BLOW can be ready to take care of self and family if needed. The book is well organized and written in simply everyday language without loosing the importance of medical education. thank You again. By the way, I’m a retired R.N. and eye specialty tech.” – Lottie Lee hall

“I am not a doctor. But I do try to manage my own health, in view of how big pharma controls a lot of what doctors do and prescribe. I need to learn what I can, and now try to do without doctors as much as I can. So survival md is huge help in my view. thank you” – Ronald Carrier

“This is a thoroughly readable reference. It’s not med schools thorough text, but it is clear and is a good guide to save lives.” – Jim Loyd

“Just the information I have been looking for. How to stay healthy without Doctors or Hospitals. Thank You” – Joe Paulauskas


In this pandemic age, the knowledge inside this book is invaluable. It’s something you don’t think you’ll need, until you find yourself in a situation where it would be helpful to have! The book definitely has a lot of information worth knowing.

Thousands of satisfied customers can’t be wrong about the benefits derived from the book. It’s a relatively low investment to make to ease any anxiety of not being prepared for a medical emergency. Plus, there is a money back guarantee if not satisfied.

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